Magically Asleep



Condition Effect

Unable to act until awaken

Magically Asleep is a Condition in Solasta: Crown of the Magister. Conditions in Solasta: Crown of the Magister are environmental effects or status effects that can be dealt by both players and enemies. Conditions are extra states or game mechanic changes that can affect characters and players.


Magically Asleep Information

Unable to act until awaken 


Magically Asleep Tips & Notes

  • Note 1
  • Note 2



Solasta: Crown of the Magister Conditions
Acidified  ♦  Annoyed  ♦  Back from the Dead  ♦  Baned  ♦  Blessed  ♦  Blinded  ♦  Blurred  ♦  Charmed  ♦  Critical Character  ♦  Dark Vision  ♦  Dazzled  ♦  Dead  ♦  Deafened  ♦  Detect Evil and Good (Condition)  ♦  Detect Magic (Condition)  ♦  Disengaging  ♦  Divine Favor (Condition)  ♦  Dodging  ♦  Doomed  ♦  Dying  ♦  Encumbered  ♦  Enhanced Ability  ♦  Exhausted  ♦  Expeditious Retreat (Condition)  ♦  False Life (Condition)  ♦  Feather Falling  ♦  Flying  ♦  Frightened  ♦  Giant Strength  ♦  Grappled  ♦  Guided  ♦  Guided Bolt Target  ♦  Hasted  ♦  Heavily Encumbered  ♦  Heroism (Condition)  ♦  Highlighted  ♦  Hindered  ♦  Hunter's Mark (Condition)  ♦  Incapacitated  ♦  Invisible  ♦  Jump (Condition)  ♦  Levitating  ♦  Light Hypersensitive  ♦  Light Sensitive  ♦  Mage Armored  ♦  Mobile  ♦  Negative  ♦  On Fire  ♦  Paralyzed  ♦  Pass Without Trace (Condition)  ♦  Petrified  ♦  Poisoned  ♦  Positive  ♦  Positive Airborne  ♦  Positive Movement  ♦  Positive Temporary Hitpoints  ♦  Possessed  ♦  Prone  ♦  Protected by Spirit Guardians  ♦  Protected from Evil and Good  ♦  Protected Inside Magic Circle  ♦  Reckless  ♦  Resisting  ♦  Restrained  ♦  Restricted Inside Magic Circle  ♦  Severely Wounded  ♦  Shielded  ♦  Shielded by Faith  ♦  Shielded by Mage Armor  ♦  Shocked  ♦  Slowed  ♦  Spider Climb (Condition)  ♦  Stealthy  ♦  Stunned  ♦  Surprised  ♦  Targeted  ♦  True Strike (Condition)  ♦  Turned  ♦  Unconscious  ♦  Wounded

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